Join us in exploring the inner dimension of social and ecological change

We offer a place to be, as a resource for personal and collective transformation.

We believe in the power of slowing down, in stillness and in nature, as a force for change.

“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think” - Gregory Bateson

:: N O U S ::
The invitation

To quiet down the mind
Filled with the master’s tools
How do you intend to bring down the master’s house?

To peel away the layers
To clear our gaze
To feel into our broken parts, mirrored in a broken world

Like phantom pains of amputated limbs
When we are ready
We can re - member
that once we were whole and
like the moon, we know :: our light and our darkness
like the acorn, we know :: our infinite possibilities
like the water, we know :: our power from within

Let’s meet at zero degrees of separation
Where egos and roles and societies dissolve

Let’s meet as our full selves
and live into radical love
for ourselves
for all beings
for mystery

Beyond the certainty of the old
there is a place
where dissolving is solving
and being is doing

Where joy is swirling
uncertainty is blooming 
into the new

In a world on fire, retreating and slowing down feels counter-intuitive for many of us. At N O U S we consider it a brave, radical act and a vital step towards collective transformation.

It takes courage to go on an inner journey to start to unlearn and heal what centuries of domination, oppression and separation have done to us.

And it takes community. Dismantling the system from within and returning to right relations (with ourselves, others and the natural world) is not individualistic or self-centred. We consider it a political practice. Individual and collective liberation are interconnected.

N O U S retreats offer a safe and brave space for small groups of up to 12 people to embark on a shared journey to start to:

  • Explore and unlearn patterns instilled by the dominant system 

  • Restore the relation with themselves, others and the natural world

Our one-week guided retreats are rooted in:

  • SANCTUARY - To slow down and to be, in stillness and in nature, to soften, to let go, to make space.

  • CO-CREATION - Sharing circles take a central role in our time together. We believe in the power of group energy and intentionality.

  • HEAD:HEART:BODY:EARTH– A blend of individual and collective practices - to help us remember and return to our whole selves.

  • COMMUNITY – The retreat is the start of a shared journey, which continues in community, beyond our week together.

N O U S  Retreats

N O U S intends to contribute to the growing need for collective spaces and healing architecture around the inner dimension of social and ecological change.

N O U S connections offers an on-line home for people to connect with each other and to access existing information, initiatives and retreats rooted in the intersection between inner work and outer change.

N O U S  Connections

Timeless wisdom for modern activists. Soulful activism. Inner and outer technology. The wounded healer. Silence is revolution. 

Written and curated by the N O U S team, N O U S insights is a space to get inspired, challenged and nourished with reflections and meditations on inner and outer change.

N O U S  Inspiration

“love and justice are not two. without inner change there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.”

– Rev. angel Kyodo Williams

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