Join us for a one week residency in the heart of the Pyrenees, on a guided journey through the inner dimension of social and ecological change.

>> 5 - 12 April 2025 (spots available from € 250)

>> 16 - 23 June 2025 (spots available from € 250)

** CLICK HERE for full information and pricing **

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** BOOK YOUR SPOT by filling out the short form below **

We will be in touch within the next 5 days to complete your registration.

Our one-week guided retreats (maximum 12 guests), are rooted in:


Switching from doing to being feels counter-intuitive for many of us. At N O U S, we consider it a brave, radical act and a vital step towards liberation. 

A N O U S retreat means stepping into a sanctuary, where you get the time and space to slow down and to be, in stillness and in nature, away from external distractions. We invite our guests to switch off all devices upon arrival. 


The circle is as strong as the pure intention of who sits in it. We believe in the power of group energy and intentionality. When we leave behind agendas and role performances, and we step into a place of openness and authenticity, that’s when the magic happens. 


The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master, is how the saying goes.

We offer a blend of individual and collective practices – to create space for new perspectives and embodied knowledge to inform our change work.

Practices accompany a different theme every day (interconnectedness, power, inner wisdom, abundance) and include: sharing circles, ritual, yoga, walks, meditation, practices in nature, deep relaxation, talks, fire circles, journaling, 24H restorative silence, land art, poetry, dance, 1-on-1 support, creative practices, celebration, somatics, restorative massage,…


A N O U S residential retreat is to step over a threshold, to plant your feet carefully but firmly on the ground and to start walking, accompanied by others.

Diving into the inner dimension of collective transformation is not a one-week quick intervention or an individual practice. It can only be done through a collective and shared journey, which continues in community, beyond the retreat.

“The way out is in”

– Thich Nhat Hahn

Is a N O U S retreat for me?

We don’t care about roles or job descriptions.

If you hold a pure intention to transform the world for the better and if the interconnection between inner and outer change resonates with you, then this is a space for you.

Over the past years, more and more of us have come to realise that we are deeply entangled and conditioned by the system, and so is our “change work”. We reproduce toxic power dynamics. We get caught up in linear thinking and short-term solutions. We perpetuate polarisation.

Joining a N O U S retreat - and joining the N O U S community - is a concrete step towards liberating yourself from the limitations of dominant culture and a step towards changing the way you do change.

The sound of the bell 

pulls me inwards

She is me and I am her

I am here, she sings

I am made of minerals and moss,

earth and stardust,

just like you

Let go and let me carry you

Sink down, down, down

Through a blaze of light

Through a dark lake

I am always here

This well is always full

Just follow the bell

and come here

Come home

to yourself