A brave sanctuary for dismantling the system from within
“The true focus of revolutionary change is never merely the oppressive situations which we seek to escape,
but that piece of the oppressor which is planted deep within each of us, and which knows only the oppressors' tactics,
the oppressors' relationships.”
Audre Lorde
We are the only living beings on this planet who violate the universal principle of interdependence which runs through our shared ecosystem. The dominant system rules our behaviours and limits our imagination. Our change work replicates patterns of separation, greed and control. A vital action we can take for collective transformation is to unlearn the patterns instilled in us by dominant culture and to restore the relation with ourselves, others and the natural world.

“Everything flows from right relations”
– Indigenous wisdom
The more privileges we enjoy inside a system, the lesser we are aware of how it works through us. Many of us who are committed to deep systems change have the system generally working in our favour. So we become like fish, no longer aware that we are in water.
Until we confront, unlearn and transform the limitations inside of us, our change work will be limited. We will keep oppressing and exploiting, including in how we do change.
“As long as you think you’re free, no escape is possible” – Ram Dass
N O U S is an invitation to embark on a shared journey of critical self-reflection, contemplation and healing, rooted in retreat and community.
To slow down and explore how the system shows up in us, our relations and our change work.
To experience that:
Change is cellular, rippling outwards.
Change is relational, rather than systemic.
We can’t control the system. But we can control ourselves and how we live our relations inside the system.
And how empowering is that?
We can decide to do the work. We can return to right relations with ourselves, others and the natural world.
And so, the system gets transformed, from the inside out.
“In the end we will save only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught”
- Baba Dioum
Authentic power

“There where is the nous, lies the treasure.”
- Gospel of Mary Magdalene
N O U S goes beyond language and culture.
N O U S is non-binary.
N O U S leaves space to be and to breathe.
Nous comes from ancient Greek νοῦς. In the ancient world, the nous was seen as the mind’s eye or the finest point of the soul.
It’s the in-between place available to all of us, where we can choose to go and tune in with our inner knowing.
A place to connect with source.
A place where dogma, constructed mindsets and ego fall away.