
What if we won’t save nature, but nature will save us?
Carmen Dupont Carmen Dupont

What if we won’t save nature, but nature will save us?

In nature, every single part of the ecosystem plays their unique role, aligned with their true nature. And not only that: they sense into each other’s authentic power and knowledge. The relations between the parts are as important as the parts in and of themselves. Fungi communicate with the roots of trees and plants in the forest, and together they take care of each other. The buds know when to bloom. The birds know when to leave and when to return. Like an orchestra: nature is in harmony because every part is attuned with itself, so the harmony flows.

So, what if we don’t need new technologies, sophisticated strategies or another narrative to change the world for the better? What would happen if, as humanity, we would simply tune in again with our true nature and remember the place where we belong in the ecosystem?

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#1 Timeless wisdom for modern activists
Carmen Dupont Carmen Dupont

#1 Timeless wisdom for modern activists

Verse 21 of the Tao Te Ching - in the acclaimed translation by Stephen Mitchell - written 2500 years ago by Lao Tzu, an author shrouded in mystery. Lao Tzu only needed 5000 words, 5000 words of sacred poetry, to say it All.

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Carmen Dupont Carmen Dupont

:: poetry ruminations ::

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